Unfortunately, this variety is not always does not offer quality. In fact, you can find body jewelry pretty awful. They can be made from materials less then desirable. They can be made evil. They can even get to the point of just being bad for you.
Running an online retailer of jewelry piercing forced me to find a few bad pieces of body jewelry there. Some of these results is the research while others are simply a first-hand experience. That's what I've learned so far.
One of the most common types of materials used for piercings is acrylic. There are several reasons for this. Some pretty cool designs can be made of acrylic. Acrylic is cheap so not only production costs can be kept low, but the prices of retail can be can be very appealing. It is also very slight. However, it is one of those materials that you should try to circumvent them. The first thing that makes it undesirable acrylic is that it can not be sterilized in an autoclave, one of the best ways to sterilize. In addition, the alcohol may cause its degradation. If it can not be sterilized that it must always be germs or dirt or really anything on it. Also, acrylic is not intended for long term use. Anyone who tells you it's should immediately cause red flags to go up.
Another popular material for use in body piercing jewelry is what is considered body jewelry "organic." However, this is not ideal for use in piercings. Almost all materials used in jewelry are extremely porous organic piercing. This means they can never be completely cleaned as it is impossible to get any small pores clean. This also means that they can carry bacteria and other bad things. Why would you risk it? Most organic materials can not be sterilized in autoclave either.
Surgical steel not one of the most popular for use in body jewelry metals. It is one of the lowest in use metals. It is durable. Overall, it is a desirable material to be worn in a bore. It may even be sterilized in autoclave. However, it may not be the best material for you. Most people will have no problem with that. However, these jewels "regular" drill steel can hold a good amount of nickel that can provoke allergic reactions in some people. Overall, it is recommended not to use these pieces of steel piercings for you if possible.
Now you might have piercing jewelry that is made of a material acceptable. This is the first step in the right direction. However, there are other things that can make them undesirable. First, they simply could not be clearly wrong doing. Some manufacturers only care about money quickly. They may have sharp edges that are not supposed to be there. They can use a cheap hold pieces in place, like gems not stick. Poor will glassmakers body jewelry that can break under normal circumstances. You must make sure that what you buy is quality.
So there are all these bad things out there in the world of body jewelery. What should you look for? Although surgical steel, stainless steel, high quality, is a great place to start. The recommendation is that this should be the minimum you are going for. Niobium is next on the scale. Titanium is probably the best metal you can purchase for your piercings. There is absolutely no nickel in it and it is one of the most hypoallergenic metals there. Glass is an ideal material for use in piercings as well. Just be sure that what you buy is quality. Silicone is a good material. The only problem is that it creates a seal between it and your piercing may cause complications. It is ideal for short-term use.
All recommended above materials can be sterilized in an autoclave. This is the method hospitals use to sterilize their equipment. If possible, it is strongly recommended that you buy sterilized body jewelry. This ensures a number of things. Poor quality piercing jewelry can not withstand the pressure created in an autoclave. One way of ensuring the autoclave anything that can cause infections is killed on the body jewelry. If you get a new piercing, you should be getting sterilized body jewelry for initial piercing, no matter what. Otherwise, you get into trouble.
There you have it. It should be clear now that all body jewelry is not created equal and we hope now you can buy smarter so you can avoid any kind of adverse circumstances occur. After all, prevention is better than cure.
The author of this piece is Jonathan Rudzitis. Jonathan Buckles will board buying and sterilizes its body jewelry to the general public.
This information has been gained from Percé Edge. Pierced Edge is an online retailer of jewelry strictly sterilized body. Sterilized body jewelry offers high quality, safe and clean body jewelry.
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